Contested Vs. Uncontested Divorce

Contested Vs. Uncontested

Uncontested vs. Contested Divorce

Uncontested Divorce

An uncontested divorce is where the parties reach an agreement on all issues, including the grounds for divorce, child custody and visitation, child support, division of assets and debts, alimony and attorney fees.

Uncontested cases generally occur when the parties do not have children and the marriage was of a short duration. Some clients believe their case is uncontested; however, when providing the details necessary to complete the documents and pleadings, unexpected issues can arise that may prevent the case from staying uncontested.

Contested Divorce

People file for divorce because of ongoing disagreements. A contested d

As we develop and work your plan, your case may become uncontested and resolved or we may proceed to litigation. An experienced attorney will ensure all your issues are developed, considered and handled in the best manner for your circumstances.

Hire a Lawyer for Optimal Results

In both instances you a good divorce attorney will guide you through a very difficult process. Both types of cases, at a minimum, require pleadings and documents which are of vital importance and are unfamiliar to most clients. Anyone going into a divorce without a divorce lawyer is at a serious disadvantage.

To learn more about which divorce option fits your situation we invite you to chat with a friendly divorce lawyer. Simply call 912-502-1400 to arrange a confidential consultation to discuss your situation.