Divorcing Parents' Seminar
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Divorcing Parents' Seminar
The Parenting Seminar is required for Divorcing parents with minor children. While some parties begrudge this requirement, these seminars are completed in a few hours and offer some invaluable information to parents going through divorce. Regardless of blame or fault, the children are innocent and very worthy of this time investment.
These seminars are held several times a year and must often be completed before the case may be resolved. The deadline to complete this requirement is usually 30 days from the standing order but must be completed before the final order is signed by the court.
The specific requirements of each county’s program are different. Parenting seminar information for various greater metro Atlanta counties are listed below. Contact your attorney to learn more about any requirements that may affect you and your divorce action.
To obtain the most accurate and up to date information, please check with each county. A link to each county’s web site is provided for your convenience. Please check in with the county to ensure that date s and times have not changed from what is on their website.
Class Name: Seminar for Divorcing Parents
Class Required? Yes, for all cases involving minor children.
Deadline to Complete: Within 30 days of receipt of the Domestic Standing Order for parties with children, but in any event before final hearing.
Registration Fee: $50.
Click here for dates, times, locations & additional information.
Class Name: Helping Children Cope with Divorce: A Seminar for Divorcing Parents
Class Required? Yes, for all parties in domestic relations actions involving the interests of minor children, except domestic violence and contempt actions
Deadline to Complete: Must be completed within a reasonable time after the service of the Complaint and before the action is finalized.
Registration Fee: $30.
Click here for dates, times, locations & additional information.
Class Name: Seminar for Divorcing Parents
Class Required? Yes, for parties involved in divorce, separate maintenance, paternity, change of custody, child support, visitation, legitimation, and other domestic relations actions involving children.
Deadline to Complete: Within 31 days of service of the original complaint upon the defendant
Registration Fee: $50.
Click here for dates, times, locations & additional information.
Class Name: Families in Transition Seminar
Class Required? Yes, for parties involved in divorce, separate maintenance, paternity, change of custody, visitation, legitimation, and other domestic relations matters involving minor children.
Deadline to Complete: Within 30 days of the court order being served upon Respondent/Defendant
Registration Fee: $30.
Click here for dates, times, locations & additional information.
Class Name: Seminar for Divorcing Parents
Class Required? Yes, for parties involved in divorce, separate maintenance, paternity, change of custody, child support, visitation, legitimation, and other domestic relations actions involving children.
Deadline to Complete: Within 31 days of service of the original complaint upon the defendant
Registration Fee: $50.