Divorce Modifications
Divorce Settlement Modificationa
Has your child custody or child support order become impractical? Is your ex pushing for a modification but you disagree?
Finalized divorce settlements and court orders are not always the final say in child custody and support matters. In certain cases, it becomes necessary to update or modify an existing order when the circumstances of the parents or child change. Grandparents who have visitation problems can also call us to initiate grandparent rights
Our divorce and family law attorneys will work closely with you throughout the decree modifications process. To learn how our lawyers can help you obtain — or fight against — a modification, contact us for a consultation to discuss your options.
Helping Your Children Get The Financial Support They Need
Your original child support arrangement might have seemed ironclad when it was issued, but courts are sometimes amenable to changing support orders when circumstances have changed. Maybe you have lost your job or source of income. Maybe your ex-spouse has come into some money. Or maybe your children have additional medical or schooling expenses that were not accounted for in the original child support order.
When child support modification is on the table, the key is to have an experienced family law attorney at your side. Our experienced family law attorneys can evaluate your situation and help you argue for or against a support modification. We can help you make smart decisions for you and your children and argue persuasively to a court on your behalf.
When Can I Request a Modification?
Georgia allows a request to change or modify to a divorce decree and family law orders only once every two years.
If you want to file for a modification you may need to provide support documentation. It is possible to request a modification of almost any part of the parenting plan.
For example, to modify child support you will have to prove that one or both of the parent’s financial circumstances, or the child’s needs, changed significantly. Requests for child support modifications may be based on:
- Job loss or decreased income of the paying parent
- Substantial increase in income for the recipient
- Increased health care costs of the child
Child custody and visitation modifications may be necessary when:
- One parent plans to relocate
- A child over the age of 14 wants to change his or her primary residence
- A parent is exposing a child to situations or environments that are not in the child’s best interests; this may include safety issues or drug or alcohol abuse
Is your ex-spouse failing to follow a court order? We can help you enforce the order through a contempt action.
Talk To a Divorce Modification Attorney in Canton
When you need to change or update a court order, contact us to discuss opportunities for modification. We offer no-obligation initial consultations. Call 770-233-7819 to learn more.