Domestic violence laws in Georgia are in place to protect family members being abused, and punish convicted abusers. Learn what constitutes domestic violence and the...
This article presents new Georgia Child Support Laws going into effect in 2024 and 2026. This covers new calculation tables, and deviations for low-income and...
Divorce mediation and divorce arbitration, for an amicable divorce, serve to lower costs, stress, and the time to get a divorce in Georgia. Learn if...
Divorcing couples with substantial assets, investments and wealth will be involved in a contested divorce. This effectively means there will be lengthy litigation over how...
Equitable Distribution in Georgia divorce? Explore property division in Georgia divorce including personal & real property, marital assets, financial accounts
In Georgia, contempt of court punishments vary depending on the circumstances and level of egregious behavior. From failure to pay child support or violating visitation...
Read an overview of getting an uncontested divorce in Georgia. Learn about filing requirements, the divorce process, property division, Parenting Plans, Settlement Agreements, and more.
Georgia does not recognize Legal Separation. Instead you need to get a Separate Maintenance Agreement to move forward without a divorce. Learn how . ....
Going through a difficult divorce? Don't make common mistakes. Learn 10 easy things to avoid during a contnetious divorce. Protect your reputation, your freedom, and...
The Parenting Plan in Georgia Divorce Learn about a Parenting Plan which is a required part of every divorce in Georgia that involves co-parenting of...
Basically, money laundering is illegally avoiding taxes. This illegal tax avoidance happens when somebody tries to cover or mask the nature, location, source, possession, or...
All states have special requirements for getting divorced. Georgia's laws enable "no-fault" reasons for getting a divorce. Of course, there are other premises for separating...