30 Day Letter Requirement

30 Day Letter Requirement

The 30 Day Letter in Georgia refers to State DDS Form 1205, which can lead to the automatic suspension of your driver's license.

What is the 30 Day Letter in Georgia

In Georgia, after a DUI arrest, and the filing of a DDS Form 1205, you have 30 days to request a formal hearing to prevent the automatic suspension of your driver's license. This hearing is a serious matter and you do not get a second-chance to save your driving privileges. You need to hire a DUI lawyer to have the best chance of keeping your Georgia driver's license.

A DUI arrest generally involves a criminal court appearance to address the DUI arrest, and a civil court appearance in which the Department of Drivers Services (DDS) will argue to revoke your driver's license.

30 Day Letter Help - DUI Lawyer in Cherokee County GA

If you need help with 30 Day Letter issues in Georgia you need to consult with a lawyer as soon as possible. Any criminal charges can be devastating to your finances, personal relationships, and ability to get a job. Contact a DUI lawyer online or call 770-956-1400.