Presumption of Innocence

Presumption of Innocence

The Presumption of Innocence

What Does Presumed Innocent Mean?

The U.S. justice system provides a presumption of innocence until proven guilty. This requires that the prosecution has obligation to satisfy the burden of proof element in a criminal trial. Furthermore, the accused must be proven to be guilty of the alleged crime beyond a reasonable doubt.

How Does the Presumption of Innocence Work?

Until the accused is found guilty in a court of law, they are generally referred to as the accused. The individual accused of a crime can be held (in jail) on remand while awaiting trial, however; the accused usually has the opportunity to post bail (bond). If the accused is denied the opportunity to bond out, they remain in custody and are still considered innocent until proven guilty.

How do you prove yourself innocent?

Firstly, when facing criminal prosecution you need to hire an experienced defense lawyer. The best way to prove you are innocent is to have a defense expert overwhelm the prosecutors case. Your defense lawyer will provide a counter argument to opinion statements, flimsy evidence, sketchy testimony, and highlight the lack of credible evidence. Additionally, your lawyer can provide strong exculpatory evidence such as DNA samples, fingerprints, etc. to clearly show that any such evidence does not point to you.

If you have been arrested or charged with a crime you need to hire a criminal defense lawyer. We invite you to call us at 770-956-1400 to arrange a time to discuss your situation and learn how we can protect you.