Do I Really Need a Lawyer for This Ticket?

Do I Really Need a Lawyer for This Ticket?

Traffic Ticket Lawyer

Traffic Offense Lawyer in Cherokee County GA

Did you get a traffic ticket or traffic citation for speeding, reckless driving, suspended license, no insurance, or other driving offenses in Georgia? Just the basic traffic ticket fine can be expensive, but it gets worse if your car insurance premiums increase. This is especially true if you received a Georgia Super Speeder citation.

There may be additional problems if you are and underage driver, and incur additional charges such as eluding, possession, undergae drinking, etc. In that situation, we have lawyers for juvenile criminal matters.

If you've been arrested for driving under the influence or DUI we can help you fight the charges. Click the following link to learn how we can serve as your DUI lawyer in Cherokee County and surrounding counties.

Georgia Super Speeder Law

Georgia's "Super Speeder Law" applies to a driver convicted of speeding at a speed of 75 mph or more on a two-lane road, or at a speed of 85 mph or more on any road in Georgia.

In addition to normal speeding fines assessed by a traffic court, the state of Georgia adds a mandatory $200 Super Speeder fee. If the state Super Speeder fee is not paid within 120 days of official notice your driver's license will be suspended. Reinstatement of your license requires payment of the $200 fee plus a $50 reinstatement fee.

Traffic Laws and Offenses in Georgia

There are numerous types of traffic offenses that you can be cited with in Georgia. Our law firm can represent you to fight for your tickets to be dismissed, reduced, and sometimes removed from your driving record. The Georgia Code Title 40 for Motor Vehicles and Traffic includes the following:

Fighting Traffic Tickets in Georgia

Traffic Ticket Lawyer in Cherokee County GA

If you need help with traffic charges in Georgia you need to consult with a traffic offenses attorney as soon as possible. Contact a traffic offenses lawyer online or call 770-233-7819.