Alibi Defense

Alibi Defense

An alibi defense leverages physical proof and witness testimony to establish that a defendant was not at the crime location when the crime occurred.

About an Alibi

An alibi is usually a witness testimony that they saw the accused to be somewhere else when the crime was committed. A strong alibi places the accused at a place which is far enough away from the scene of the crime, at a time, that the accused could not have possibly traveled to or from the crime scene when the crime was committed.

What is an Alibi?

An alibi is effectively reasonable proof that a person accused of a crime was not present at the crime scene at the time the crime was committed. There are generally two types of evidence that serve as credible alibis.

    Types of Alibis

  • Eyewitness Testimony which is one or more people who testify as to the time and location they saw the accused which would place the accused away for the crime scene at the time the crime was committed.
  • Physical Evidence which can include things like security camera video, store receipts, cell phone tower activity, or even being incarcerated elsewhere which would place the accused away for the crime scene at the time the crime was committed.

Defense Lawyer in Cherokee County GA

If you need help with criminal charges in Georgia you need to consult with a defense attorney as soon as possible. Any criminal charges can be devastating to your freedom, personal relationships, and ability to get a job. Contact a criminal defense lawyer online or call 770-956-1400.